Tokyo Ghoul Mobile is an RPG that follows the manga created by Sui Ishida, which revolves around the life of Ken Kaneki and the rest of the humans, quinxs, and ghouls that populate the world of Tokyo Ghoul. This is a video game that pours all the action from the original series into intense battles and narrative scenes through which you'll learn about this strange world.
Battles are the main focus of Tokyo Ghoul Mobile, so this is how you'll spend most of your time. Your team of heroes will attack automatically, although you'll be able to control their movement in order to help them escape from enemy attacks. In addition, you can activate your heroes' special abilities by tapping on the icons next to their faces. These powers can give you a huge advantage in battles, but you'll have to wait a while before you can use them again.
The storyline in this anime RPG follows the original Tokyo Ghoul storyline. This game begins with the moment Ken Kaneki meets Rize, and you'll meet the rest of the characters that made this story popular along the way: Touka Kirishima, Nishiki Nishio, Kuzen Yoshimura, Shū Tsukiyama... You can control them in battle and perform various actions typical of this genre: level them up, equip them with different items, and improve their skills.
Tokyo Ghoul Mobile (赤瞳傳說) is an excellent RPG with real-time combat that fans of this legendary story simply cannot miss. This game is also pretty outstanding on a technical level, both in terms of graphics and sound.
Requirements (Latest version)
- Android 5.0 or higher required
Damn please help me why does it say that it can't load files even though there is 50 GB free on the phone and the internet is good what should be done to start loading please tell me